
Deep space nine sacrifice of angels
Deep space nine sacrifice of angels

deep space nine sacrifice of angels

However, Odo is horrified at this idea, but the Female Changeling says that Kira's fate has already been set and there is nothing that Odo can do. By doing so, she believes that Odo will never be encumbered by his feelings for Kira. Thinking that she has finally changed Odo to her side, she casually mentions the impending execution of Kira's resistance cell, along with Kira herself. Meanwhile, Odo and the Female Changeling are discussing the battle, and the Female Changeling notes the Federation's impending defeat. Weyoun is actually amused by Dukat's narcissism and ego. Rather than currently being known as a brutal dictator who killed scores of Bajorans, he prefers to view himself as a protector of Bajorans during the occupation. His comments echo his attitude during the Occupation of Bajor. In Dukat's view, victory is not about inflicting the higher death toll, but your enemy capitulating by saying that they were wrong to oppose you in the first place. One of his ideas is to annihilate Earth, and eradicate its population, an action that Dukat disagrees with. Weyoun is also wondering how the Dominion can control the entire Alpha Quadrant. Weyoun calls this celebration premature, and says that the minefield is yet to come down. By this time, Dukat is already toasting his victory over the Federation with Weyoun. Unfortunately, with the minefield due to come down in several hours, Sisko knows that Trap Is the Only Option, and deploys the fleet to proceed through the Dominion Ranks. The hole that Sisko wanted is created, however they note the formation of several other Cardassian ships, and know that Dukat is trying to lure them into a trap.

deep space nine sacrifice of angels

The three join Rom behind force fields in the Security office, leaving only Quark to help them.ĭukat then orders several wings of Cardassian ships to break off and attack. Dukat also hears from Damar, who points out that Rom likely had associates and that it would be a good idea for them to arrest Kira, Jake, and Leeta, at least until the minefield is down. He sees through the ruse almost immediately, and plots to give Sisko his opening, and close it on them in order to surround and outflank them. Only problem is that Dukat is as much as a tactician as Sisko. The thought is to draw the Cardassian ships out of position so that the Federation ships can get through. Sisko starts the battle by sending waves of Federation Peregrine Fighters to attack only Cardassian ships.

deep space nine sacrifice of angels

Operation Return, the mission to retake Deep Space Nine from the Dominion is now in full swing.

Deep space nine sacrifice of angels